You will be in tune with your sensual and passionate side. Try out something that you haven't done in a while, or that you haven't done with your partner. You are feeling wondrous today, so use that energy. Spend some time with your co-workers, especially if someone wants to give you advice or if you have any advice for a younger colleague. Try meditation for beginners if you haven't tried it yet. It will bring you a sense of peace and serenity and you will feel centered and very in tune with yourself and your needs. Historic sites like museums will amuse you. Feel like getting into meditative furrow? Then the God's House is a place to crave for. It's time to visit a church then. Leadership will be your natural flair. Harmonizing huge groups of people will usher in good luck. If someone in your family is going through a hard time, be the bigger person and do something for them. It can be the smallest thing or the biggest thing, but it will mean equally as much to them.